“We have been at this for about three months and we can already see the end game. That just shows how far the idea of a peaceful divorce between groups that can’t get along was already understood across the United States” said Liberty Block.
Think Progress reported this; “Elsewhere, rhetoric advocating the fracturing of America has begun to seep beyond just white supremacist messaging…But the notion that America’s divide remains on a state-by-state basis is years out of date. Instead, as recent elections indicate, the split is far more centered on rural-urban divides.” Days before Think Progress said this, the coalition in their SECOND PRESS RELEASE endorsed the ability of states to split internally between left and right political sections.
Additionally, a liberal professor from a well respected university also published the talking points: “Let me be clear: I don’t have any agenda in pushing for such massive breakdown; I simply see the existing shape of the United States as gradually untenable…Given the right circumstances, California and New England could secede.”
The group believes that their message is going VIRAL given that they have already received articles posting about their points or them directly in mainstream news in Idaho, Oregon, and Nevada, after their FIRST PRESS RELEASE and on the mega liberal news site “538”; “I think if Republicans keep winning elections with a minority vote, we’ll see states like California discuss this”
“We now have 3 different Southern Secession groups backing our ideas, if indirectly” said Michael Martin, from Palmetto State Independence.
“Not only is conservative news covering this, but now you have the top liberal news site, saying the same things we are saying, and liberal professors expressing our ideas is proof we are going viral” ” said Liberty Block.
The idea is being covered by neutral sources too, showing the wide reach it is garnering. The website Definitions recently offered this example for the word “nationwide” — ”President Trump: We would love to see official numbers on nationwide support for Calexit.”
If the coalition successfully recruits people in these 14 states, they will achieve their goal of a 25 state coalition, given that they already have members in 11 states. The Calexit Coalition currently is composed of Dakota Exit, Palmetto State Independence, Liberty Block/NHExit, Down state Illinois secession, Liberty Block Wyoming, Red State secession, Arizona secession, and representatives in Oklahoma, “Red” Pennsylvania, and “Red” New York”.
“Fact is that many people around America have already said they want a divorce from the liberal part of their state, or in a moment of intense passion after reading about some crazy law coming from California have said in a local newspaper — that they should let California go. These people are saying our talking points without even knowing other people think like them and are doing something about it” said Liberty Block “We only need to get a hold of them and say “the cavalry is here”” said Martin.
The group believes that they can have this plan directly presented to Donald Trump. Recently Trump publicly endorsed a conservative thought leader who had publicly endorsed the idea that conservatives should back Calexit to make America Great Again. The group aims to convince Wayne Allyn Root to re-endorse his previous support and point out to Trump that there is a way that conservatives (without any help from liberal America) could get rid of California and ensure permanent Republican victories.