Texas may not be the main source but Newsom is right — A LOT of the homeless in California — ARE NOT FROM HERE, THEY CAME FROM AMERICA TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF US.

Marcus Ruiz Evans
13 min readSep 12, 2019


The news is slamming California’s governor for saying that Texas is the main source of homeless in CA, but they are ignoring his other point — that a huge amount of the homeless in California are not from here.

Somehow, the fact that the Guardian newspaper did the most extensive research on homelessness of its kind and found evidence to directly support Newsom is not being mentioned. Additionally a survey from 2009, that supports Newsom is not mentioned, and limitations in the survey from 2019, that is used to counter Newsom are not mentioned by the news, and a report from San Francisco Chronicle the year the recession started that says a huge amount of homeless are not from California is not mentioned.

We also have reports from 2008 and 2007, where government officials point out that people are being shipped into California because Americans feel that Californians are bleeding heart liberals and will take care of these people that they no longer want. Again all of these reports by actual experts were completely ignored by the news. Additionally, there are many examples of states being caught busing and flying their homeless directly to California — proving that there is a transfer of the problem program.

Finally, the news forgot to cover — while California has a high amount of homeless from America — it has received a tiny amount of the money it actually should have been allocated by the Federal government under the Obama and Trump administrations.

Not to be heartless — but California is blamed for making people homeless — when the reality is that America transfers their homeless on us, and that is why we have such a huge problem.

Yes, we make some people homeless — but the news acts like we are the source of the incredible amount of homeless.

These people are Americans who were rejected by their own communities during the 2008 recession and moved to California because we don’t let people rot in the streets like Americans do.

“The Democratic governor was asked during a June interview on “Axios on HBO” why San Francisco’s homeless population did not experience a net decline during his tenure as mayor. Newsom said most of the homeless people on the street when he left office were not from California, but added “we took responsibility” for them.” “To support the claim, a spokesman for Newsom provided data from San Francisco’s Homeward Bound,”

Guardian newspaper showed half of the homeless of SF — went to places in the South West.
“San Francisco’s Homeward Bound” provides for Americans “Returning to places they previously lived”. “If these relocation programs did not exist, and the people San Francisco has bussed out of the city had stayed put, there could be as many as 18,000 homeless people currently in the city, more than twice the current population.”

2009 shows — Almost three fourths of the homeless in San Francisco arrived right when the recession started — COINCIDENCE? Findings of this 2009 report are not mentioned by news.
“The large majority of survey respondents (78%) reported that they were living in San Francisco right before they became homeless. 73% of these respondents had lived in San Francisco for one year or more”

2019 inquiry asks if people have been in San Francisco since after the recession of 2008 started, not if they were there before 2008. Limitations in survey not mentioned by news.
“Seventy percent (70%) of respondents reported living in San Francisco at the time they most recently became homeless. Of those, over half (55%) reported living in San Francisco for 10 or more years.” (from 2009 — year after recession started) (18)


This matches another study that was conducted … almost a decade earlier in 2008 … when the recession started … where the SF homeless policy director pointed out that half of the homeless in SF, were not from California … “Kayhan said. “Last week I went to a homeless encampment just off Mission and Ninth. There were seven homeless guys there, and when I asked them where they were from they said: Marin, Chicago, West Virginia, Santa Rosa, Texas, San Diego and Boston.” This study not mentioned by news.

It also matches this story — right before the 2008 recession — that says that Americans come from around America to San Francisco and California because they know that we will take care of them. Also not mentioned from the news.

“31 percent noted that they became homeless outside San Francisco. “That is close to a third of the people we counted,” says Trent Rhorer, director of the San Francisco Human Services Agency. “It begs the question of why they came here; I don’t know that the answer is necessarily one of homelessness.” In addition, he says, San Francisco has a network of social support for the homeless, ranging from shelters to dining rooms to medical care. In recent years, amid a long-vaunted tradition of generosity to the down and out, San Francisco found itself saddled with an outsize reputation of being overly friendly to the homeless.”



CA and FL were in a class by themselves compared to the entire rest of the US in holding the chronic homeless population. Why would so many people who are consistently homeless find themselves in the two sunshine states? Either they moved there, or there is something about the CA and FL economy where they just generate homelessness beyond comparison to other states. This is unlikely given that Florida is a socially and fiscally conservative state while California is the complete opposite as a socially liberal and fiscally liberal state.

How could two places with completely different ideologies to the social safety net and the economy both suffer from chronic homelessness unless the weather is the actual cause of why a state may have a above average homeless population.

“Defining Chronic Homelessness: A Technical Guide for HUD Programs” by Office of Community Planning and Development Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs, September 2007


It has also been proven that poor people move to areas where there is a lot of poverty because they feel that they will be given sympathy. The two poorest parts of California that drag down the rest of the California economy are in the Central Valley and Inland Empire, and yet after the recession of 2008, these two areas experienced the highest growth anywhere in California — meaning that people were specifically moving to the two poorest areas after the recession hit. Who were these people?

“Attracted by low-cost housing and low-skill jobs, poor people move disproportionately to rural communities. Rural places are poor in part because poor people move there.”

“Poor People are Moving to Already Poor, Rural Communities” By Bill Bishop, Growth and Development | Main Street Economics, 09/27/2007


“Why Do Americans Move From Wealthy States to Poorer Ones?” By Peter Coy, Bloomberg, January 09, 2014


Inland Empire, and Central Valley counties to be the fastest growing regions in California — just two years after the start of the recession.

“…with higher growth in the Central Valley and inland parts of Southern California.”

“Census 2010: Bay Area slower-growing, more diverse” By Matt O’Brien, Contra Costa Times, 2010


“Census shows Central Valley areas among poorest in nation” by Associated Press, 2012


“Census: Inland Empire has nation’s highest poverty rate” By Neil Nisperos, Ryan Hagen, The Sun, 2013


Nevada’s government has been caught transferring homeless in California

“San Francisco Investigates Alleged Patient Dumping By Nevada Hospital” by CBS Tv, April 22, 2013


“Nevada buses hundreds of mentally ill patients to cities around country” By Cynthia Hubert, Phillip Reese and Jim Sanders, Sacramento Bee, April 14, 2013


Florida, North Dakota, Hawaii bus/fly people anywhere they want to go — many choose CA, just can say they have family there.

“Florida City To Provide 1-Way Bus Tickets For Homeless People” By Robbie Couch, The Huffington Post September 5 2014


“Homeless In Williston, North Dakota Get One-Way Bus Tickets Out Of City From Salvation Army” By Eleanor Goldberg, The Huffington Post, January 11 2013


“Hawaii Offers Homeless One-Way Tickets Out of State: The controversial tactic has been tried — and vocally criticized — elsewhere” By Olivia B. Waxman, Time, July 31, 2013


“[2009] Andrea and Greg Killgore were already living on the streets in Las Vegas when they decided to relocate to Lancaster in early March. They thought their job prospects would be better in California.” “Homeless receive free one-way tickets out of Lancaster: Nonprofit pays for people to bus to places where they have family or other support systems. Mayor R. Rex Parris says Lancaster has become a ‘dumping ground’ for other cities’ homeless” by Ann M. Simmons, March 30, 2009


“Why do red states ship their homeless to California? Isn’t that passing the buck to California? Does that really solve anything?” by Yahoo Answers, 2012


“The problem, Kayhan [SF Mayor director for homeless policy] says, is that San Francisco has become a clearinghouse for other cities and states.” “People are coming from all over,” Kayhan said. “I am seeing it firsthand. I often hear that this city or that city’s homeless plan is a bus ticket to San Francisco.” “My anecdotal data is that 8 out of 10 of those I speak to on the street are from somewhere else,” Kayhan said. “Last week I went to a homeless encampment just off Mission and Ninth. There were seven homeless guys there, and when I asked them where they were from they said: Marin, Chicago, West Virginia, Santa Rosa, Texas, San Diego and Boston.”


So much of America transports its problem on us Californians that it has become a joke among Americans. Yet this fact —goes without being mentioned by the news.

Talks about how it is a tradition to transfer Colorado homeless on California and let them deal with.

“Night of the Living Homeless” South Park,


Talks about how it’s tradition in Pennsylvania to transfer homeless to California

“Return of Psycho Pete” Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Besides sending homeless to California to use-up benefits, the American government also does not give California — its fair share of homeless financial assistance — that California already pays for.


“Not surprisingly, California has failed to receive federal support for the problem in a proportional fashion. The report noted that despite having 21% of the nation’s homeless students, it receives about 11% of federal funds from the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act.”

“California Leads the Nation in Homeless School Children” 2014


“As California’s population of homeless students rises, the funding to meet their needs has not kept pace. The U.S. Department of Education allocates McKinney-Vento funds according to a formula based on poverty, without reference to the number of homeless students the state identifies. In the 2011–2012 school year, California schools identified 21% of the homeless students nationwide, yet received only 11% of the available federal McKinney- Vento funds.” (pg4)

“California’s Homeless students: a growing population” 2014


“approximately one-third [of chronic homeless are] in California alone. However, the nation’s permanent supportive housing inventory is distributed fairly evenly across the United States.”

“People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness” by United States Interagency Council on Homelessness: Chronic Homelessness in Focus.


2017 — “California does not receive nearly what is due”

2014 — “California has failed to receive Federal support for the problem in a proportional fashion”


Trump loves to criticize California for the homeless here, and this report was ordered by him, so he does not intentionally work to make California look good, and that is the point — because facts that back up the assertions above are in the report:

FACT 1: People do move from the rest of America to warm climates. And they move to warm climates that have socially liberal policies that take care of the homeless. Hard core Republican states that don’t take care of homeless, even if they are warm — don’t have a lot of homeless.

Second, more tolerable conditions for sleeping on the streets (outside of shelter or housing) increases homelessness. We show that warmer places are more likely to have higher rates of unsheltered homelessness, but rates are nonetheless low in some warm places. For example, Florida and Arizona have unsheltered homeless populations lower than what would be expected given the temperatures, home prices and poverty rates in their communities.
Meanwhile, the unsheltered homeless population is over twice as large as expected — given the temperatures, home prices and poverty rates in their communities — in States including
Hawaii, California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington State. Policies such as the extent of policing of street activities may play a role in these differences.
A larger supply of substitutes to permanent housing through shelter provision also increases homelessness. Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C. are each subject to right-to-shelter laws that guarantee shelter availability of a given quality. These places each have rates of sheltered homelessness at least 2.7 times as high as the rate in every other city, and this difference cannot be explained by their weather, home prices, and poverty rates.(2)

Unsheltered homelessness rates vary substantially across the United States as well and tend to be highest in cities on the West Coast.(10)

Among the five cities with the highest rates of unsheltered homelessness, four are in California (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Rosa, and San Jose),
and the other is Seattle. The three cities with the highest rates of sheltered homelessness are all located in the Northeast: Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C.(4)

FACT 2 — the surveys showing who was made homeless by the recession of 2008 and where they went, aka if they went to California to escape the recession and stayed in California suffer methodology errors. Aka — we can’t say for sure if people were homeless by the recession and came to California or if they were made homeless in California after the recession.

In addition, we show that contrary to reported trends, it is unclear whether homelessness in the United States has actually decreased since 2007, due to an inconsistent definition of homelessness and miscounting of
unsheltered homeless populations.(3)

In fact, research suggests that previous Federal policy is not capable of explaining a large portion of the reported decline in homelessness between 2007 and 2018. In addition, we show that contrary to reported trends that suggest a more than 94,000 person (15 percent) reduction in homelessness since 2007, it is unclear whether homelessness in the United States has actually decreased.(7)

CALIFORNIA may have over counted homeless compared to how every other state counts homeless, making the situation seem worse than it is — and helping to give California the title for being the worst place for dealing with homeless, when actually we over counted because California cares more about the homeless and doesn’t want anyone to fall through the cracks unlike most of the other states in America.

Also, it is notable that two States not listed above reported large declines in unsheltered family homelessness between 2010 and 2018. These include California, where unsheltered family homelessness fell by 48 percent (3,773 people), and Oregon, where unsheltered family homelessness fell by 65 percent (3,371 people). Cities in both California and Oregon declared
homeless states of emergency during this period, and counts of unsheltered homeless individuals increased in both States (by 32 percent in California
and by less than 1 percent in Oregon).
Of course, these examples are only suggestive that methodological changes or counting errors occurred and may play a large role in the reported decline in unsheltered homelessness among families. (31)

FACT 3– 4 other places have a bigger homeless issue than our California and yet you never hear about them. Its because by numbers we have more homeless.

The States and District of Columbia with the highest overall rates of homelessness per 10,000 are the District of Columbia (5.8 times the U.S. rate), New York (2.8 times the U.S rate), Hawaii (2.7 times the U.S. rate), Oregon (2.0 times the U.S. rate), and California (1.9 times the U.S. rate).(9)



Marcus Ruiz Evans

President Yes California/ Calexit movement. Interviewed by Politico, New York Times, FOX, WashPost, LA Times, LA Weekly, Sac Bee, Daily Show w/TN, Mother Jones