Invite me to educate the people of UC Berkeley.
Did it before:
I AM THE LEADER OF CALEXIT — have been President for over a year. Your cite is a year old. Why did you not mention me. I have been running things and started the movement. Never been to Russia.
Ps. Another thing you misinformed everyone on:
Reuters Jan 2017–47.5% of CA is open to discussing Calexit. GQ magazine confirmed. 32% said secede, and 15.5% said they want to discuss. That means 47.5% OR HALF OF CALIFORNIA is open to this idea. GQ magazine confirmed.
Stanford Jan 2017–27%
Not sure — 19%
Californians not opposed to discussing Calexit 46%
Reuters Jan 2017–32%
Don’t know — 15.5%
Californians not opposed to a discussion on secession