(draft) — more coming. I did nothing wrong, this is a sham investigation.
PART 1 — FPPC sent Yes California a complaint letter that was filed.
PART 2 — we responded by pointing out that the complainer had committed fraud.
PART 3 — The FPPC responded to this information by saying that now that they know the person who filed the complaint, committed fraud and lied to the FPPC — they were definitely going to look into the other accusations this person made.
PART 4: They asked for access to the Bank accounts we used for accepting donations for the P.A.C.
Yes California was accused of being sponsored and grown by Russia. That the movement for a California nation was not born by real Californians but rather mostly generated by Russia. One of the data points that is offered up is that there was a account called “@CaliforniaRep” that did promote Calexit.
“It remains unclear how popular the now-suspended account was…
The news admits that no one knows how popular this account was.
Was this account a huge influence on the Calexit movement? I can tell you as the guy who helped build Yes California and started the Calexit movement in 2014 — I have never heard of this account ever, even when things were very popular in Dec 2016 to 2017. I also asked everyone in the movement about this account and no one heard of it.
Here are messages that @Californiarep said about Yes California.
Here are the messages that @Californiarep said about Calexit
The news also admits that only 1/5 of the tweets that supported Calexit were by robots — which means 4/5 of the tweets were real people.
“There are also indications that the election night #Calexit trend — the hashtag was mentioned 100,000 times in the course of a few hours — was artificially driven by automated bots or fake accounts. Several of the most retweeted messages under the hashtag were posted by accounts with just a few hundred followers. And some of those tweets were retweeted thousands of times, an unlikely — though not impossible — occurrence.”
“Although this tweet was repeated 10,000 times, nearly 2,000 of those accounts have since disappeared from Twitter, indicating that they were potentially automated bots, fake accounts”
THE MUELLER INVESTIGATION — found that Yes California was not part of anything.
Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election
THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE did not mention Yes Calexit and found that Yes California was not part of anything “The Committee found that the IRA coopted unwitting Americans to engage in-offline activities in furtherance of their objectives.7”
National intelligence council, Sense of the Community Memorandum, ‘~’September 13, 2019.
The Committee found that Russia’s targeting of the 2016 U.S. presidential election was part of a broader, sophisticated, and ongoing information warfare campaign designed to sow discord in American politics and society. The IR.A’s operational planning for the 2016 election goes back at least to 2014, when two IRA operatives were sent to the United States to gather intelligence in furtherance of the IR.A’s objectives. 5
Analysis of the behavior of the IRA-associated social media accounts makes dear that while the Russian information warfare campaign exploited the context of the election and election-related issues in 2016, the preponderance of the operational focus, as reflected repeatedly in content, account names, and audiences targeted, was on socially divisive issues-such as race, immigration, and Second Amendment rights-in an attempt to pit Americans against one another and against their government. 6
The Committee found that the IRA coopted unwitting Americans to engage in-offline activities in furtherance of their objectives.7
Though all of the known IRA-related accounts from the Committee’s data set were suspended or taken down in the fall of 2017, 8
Researchers at the University of Southern California who evaluated nearly 20 million election:.related tweets assessed that about one-fifth of the political discourse around the 2016 election on Twitter may have been automated and the result of bot activity. 10
In testifying to the Committee in 2017, Clint Watts outlined three different types of potential real-world targets for Russian influence operators. 77 A class of “useful idiots” refers to unwitting Americans who are exploited to further amplify Russian propaganda, unbeknownst to them; “fellow travelers” are individuals ideologically sympathetic to Russia’s anti-western viewpoints who take action on their own accord; and “agent provocateurs” are individuals who are actively manipulated to commit illegal or clandestine acts on behalf of the Russian government. As Watts explains, “Some people are paid for. Some are coerced. Some are influenced. Some agree. Some don’t know what they’re doing …. Where they fall on that spectrum may not matter ultimately.” What matters most, he argues, is the message they are carrying and whether its reach is growing. 20
Democratic governments and populations must balance the need for calling out and shining light on Russian activities with remaining realistic and sober about Moscow’s actual capabilities and their effectiveness. The public needs to be made aware of the tactics being directed at them, but there also needs to be appreciation for the limitations of those tactics. 22
The IR.A’s foray into influence operations targeting the 2016 election began with a 2014 intelligence-gathering mission to the United States undertaken by two female employees: Anna Bogacheva and Aleksandra Krylova. 29
Both secured visas to visit the United States in June 2014, and the two made stops in “Nevada, California, NewMexico, Colorado, Illinois; Michigan, Louisiana, Texas, and New York,” 30
After Election Day, Left-leaning IRA accounts were promoting hashtags such as “#Impeach45,’’ “#Resist,” and “#GunReformNow.” 42
Colin Kaepemick and the NFL protests on March 13, 2018, prompting 37,000 forwarded retweet 54
FORMAL CHARGES AGAINST RUSSIA ALSO did not mention Yes Calexit and found that Yes California was not part of anything.
Indictment, United States v. Internet Research Agency, et al., Case 1: l 8-cr-00032-DLF (D.D.C. Feb. 16, 2018).
The IRA, Social Media and Political Polarization in the United States, 2012–2018
House permanent select committee on intelligence, report on “Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements”, advertisements for 2015, 2016, 2017
The claim has weight to it because Louis Marinelli was involved early with creating this movement and he lives in Russia now.
However I can prove that I started the whole Calexit movement. I was the first person talking about acting like a nation for California, I had already built up my own network and own organization and then was approached by Louis. He asked for me to provide most of thinking and data about how to even propose California independence. I also initiated our first meeting and payed for him to come meet, and I also demanded that the first meeting be in my hometown of his organization, and the first action taken by his organization was in my hometown. Eventually I just worked on his organization and stopped working on my own. Later on we jointly formed Yes California.
Later on following the leadership of Nora Campos and Gov Jerry Brown, a member of Yes Ca proposed that CA push for embassies around the world. I picked up on that idea and pushed for it hard. When Louis did move to Russia, I pushed hard for him to propose a foreign embassy in Russia. The idea was mine and pushed him to do it.
evidence - asked him to president
“A class of “useful idiots” refers to unwitting Americans who are exploited to further amplify Russian propaganda, unbeknownst to them”
Consider reporting: I’m leaving Yes CA — joining CA freedom Coalition
Mon, Apr 17, 2017, 10:04 AM
to Katie
I started the Calexit movement in 2012, with the book “California’s Next Century” as the first time someone spoke seriously about California becoming a nation.Since that time I have worked with Yes CA — the largest of the Calexit groups.Effective — TODAY — I am no longer with Yes CA — I am leaving — I am joining the California Freedom Coalition.
From: Marcus Ruiz Evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 3:56 PM
Subject: Calexit movement is not being reported fairly.
To: rdeleon@revealnews.org
There are a lot of articles about how Calexit is a Russian plot/ staged operation. LIST BELOW.
The President of the largest group for the CalExit movement is in Russia right now — for the last few months.
Why do articles focus on 1 person and completely ignore these facts?
-53 chapters across California
-40,000 Californians on facebook
-23 meetings about Calexit have already happened
-Many interviews of Calexit supporters already on TV
-Louis worked the last 3 years in CA to build Yes CA
-Author of book that started movement in 2012
Why do the same articles that focus on 1 person in Russia also forget to mention?
- Can’t file a petition unless a citizen — by law
- Can’t collect signatures to have the vote for independence unless a citizen — by law
- Cant cast a vote — for independence — unless a citizen — by law
Meaning it is literally impossible for foreign intervention to make CA secession happen — by law
Why do the articles that focus on 1 person in Russia — never mention these facts that are law?
Why do the articles that focus on 1 person in Russia — seem to come out every 1–2 weeks .. like they are programmed?
Marcus Ruiz Evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>
Wed, Oct 12, 2016, 10:37 AM
to Louis
I saw. its an insult — he knows what he is doing and pretends he doesn’t speak English well. Lavrov is a smart man
On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Louis J. Marinelli <president@yescalifornia.org> wrote:
FPost to FB/web — make Yes CA seem more rational about approach to Russia
Marcus Ruiz Evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>
Sep 30, 2016, 1:07 AM
to Louis
Do Californians think about Russia — the way Americans do?
2016 — California Governor Jerry Brown writes an article pleading for Russia and CA to work together to world peace
California Think Tank writes positive peace on need for West to understand Putin -
Marcus Ruiz Evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>
Thu, Sep 29, 2016, 12:49 PM
to Louis
California Think Tank writes positive peace on need for West to understand Putin —
Marcus Ruiz Evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>
Sep 27, 2016, 1:06 PM
to Louis
It attacked Russia for an agenda — for hosting conference.
But made it clear that CA and TX — WERE THERE FOR THEIR OWN REASONS — completely.
De : Louis J. Marinelli [mailto:president@yescalifornia.org]
Envoyé : jeudi 15 septembre 2016 17:25As promised, I want to get you in touch with a representative of the campaign in California. It took me a little bit because I am just getting settled in Russia. Please contact Marcus Ruiz Evans at marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com
Marcus Ruiz Evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>
Thu, Aug 6, 2015, 1:38 PM
to Louis, Research@SovereignCA.org
Establish Embassies TEXT
The intent of this section is to establish international communications and friendships that will lead to the establishment of social, political, cultural and economic relations.
Add text below to Assembly Bill №29, section 2, article 3, sub section g
This shall include:
Section 1: California shall start a program to establish trade missions around the world that will operate as embassies.
Marcus Ruiz Evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>Tue, Jul 14, 2015, 1:13 AM
Mike made this list of econ ideas, that I, Louis and Theo like.1. CA’s own stock market2. CA’s own bond market3. CA’s own gold reserves (Just in case)4. CA’s own Roth/IRA fund5. CA’s own set of trade missions “quasi-Embassies” in every county (Separate from the US around the World)
Subject: RE: Establishment of a Select Committee on Bold Reinvigoration
Date: Fri, December 05, 2014 “Louis J. Marinelli”
- I would recommend careful analysis and move forward with ONE bold movement.
- Or lets create the political party that has the multifaceted platform with position papers, including this one.
Thats what the Scottish National party did —
CAMPAIGN “Yes scotland” http://yesscotland.net/
From: Louis J. Marinelli <louisjmarinelli@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 9:01 PM
Subject: status email
To: Marcus Ruiz Evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>
Our Board of Directors is myself, Marcus, an attorney in LA serving as our CFO now (Theo), our secretary, we have another gentlemen who has experience in (Bart Gilbert) ballot initiatives who also joined us this week and we’re still exacting his position with us but he’s a member. For now he’s going to be the point man for one of the initiatives. Next weekend we’re having an event in LA on Saturday/Sunday (Korea Town, Shelter Hotel) and our treasurer in LA is bringing a handful of interested contacts. (Also added Northern California chapter to be headed by David , SF). There are now chapters in SD, LA, Central Valley, and Bay Area. (Also setting up meeting for supporters who live in New York, Adam, Patrick )
As for money, Marcus and I have been pulling our resources together in a pay as we go plan. We’ve also sold some merchandise. Not going to claim we’re a huge fundraiser but for a grassroots-level organization started by an English teacher and a state employee, we’re moving along quite well, I’d say. We’ve got supplies, we’ve got a website, we’ve got advertising, over 3000 people on Facebook, our Twitter account is growing (4 politicians following), we have a contact in the media whose writing a column on our three initiatives (Tom Elias) to be published in mid-November, we’re slated for the radio (1680AM) in mid-November as well. (Also Jacqueline Hirahara a writer for Examiner magazine on Civil Rights issues for Sacramento contacted us yesterday...she contacted SovereignCA). Also have a permanent graphic designer
Louis J. Marinelli <LJMarinelli@sovereignca.org>
Thu, Jun 26, 2014, 11:29 PM
to me
What do you think about this wording for the initiative:
This initiative requires the state legislature to establish a state commission with no fewer than twelve members which shall conduct an investigation and produce a report determining whether the state of California could govern itself independently. The scope of the report shall be as comprehensive as necessary and proper for the commission to reach its determination and issue a full report on California self-rule. The members of the commission shall be appointed by the legislative leadership, but current lobbyists, persons recently or currently seeking or holding elective office, and persons having financially contributed to political candidates, political parties or political action committees in the preceding five years are disqualified. The commission shall be required to call witnesses and hear expert testimony in the course of their investigation. The commission shall also be required to preface their report with historical context including California’s path to statehood, as well as a summary of findings profiling California’s current economic, political and cultural global influence.
Louis J. Marinelli <LJMarinelli@sovereignca.org>
Fri, Jun 20, 2014, 12:13 PM
to me
Hi,Looks like with a promo code I found I can get 100 bumper stickers for $80.00. I will have to wait until I get paid next week to place the order but it looks like a good deal. I want to contact them, too, to see if they can give us a deal because we’ll be placing many orders with them in the future. They also do shirts, flags, banners, etc. So they are a good source for all of our gear.
Livefyre <notify@livefyre.com>
Wed, Jun 18, 2014, 8:35 PM
to me
“First Statewide Planning Meeting”
Louis J. Marinelli <LJMarinelli@sovereignca.org>
Thu, Jun 19, 2014, 8:30 PM
to me
That is AMAZING.
Yes, I will be there no matter what.
From: Marcus Ruiz Evans [marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 8:28 PM
To: Louis J. Marinelli
Subject: Presentation july 5 LA libertarian convention
July 5th is LA libertarian party convention…I have permission to speak for 40 minutes…we can present SovereignCA and work that conference for members.
[Raffaello Ristorante, Fourth and Pacific, San Pedro, 90731, 310–514–0900.]
Louis J. Marinelli <LJMarinelli@sovereignca.org>
Tue, Jun 17, 2014, 11:46 PM
to me
I have revamped the website. Take a look and let me know what you think.
Note: Some links are unclickable — I still have to update them but you should be able to get the idea.
I like this much more. Much more interactive.
From: Marcus Ruiz Evans [marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 11:47 AM
To: Louis J. Marinelli
Subject: Re: Idea — slight reformat blog = get bigger audience
Almost all of the content stays intact — some of it is just moved around a “little”
On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Marcus Ruiz Evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com> wrote:
Just ideas
I was thinking about your idea on how SovereignCA sponsors a movement to elongate the time you have to college
signatures for the CA ballot. Excellent strategy.
Don’t step away from the radical idea — it is the solution…however, position ourselves more moderately, at least on the surface, to get more mainstream attention.
To that end — I have been thinking: the 4 blog news sections are the Big feature of this website. (yes the message is most important but in terms of attraction to an uninitiated person). We should push the site as a resource to the California public — providing news and insight.
I attached a word doc — it has (ideas) on how to change the titles of the top bar options & how to redesign the main blog page (not the 4 individual pages, but the main). A little change = a different vibe. An easier vibe for us to sell to the uninitiated.
Also we still need a blog page for “California is awesome” — if we are going to enact an epiphany — Californians have to care about California — they have to “feel” it is special — so they are passionate about changing for the better. We need a California is great section for people to contribute content to
This also warms the public up to contribute content — this blog section will have less serious material than the other blog news sections — and so will be easier for people to participate in initially — they get the hang and then “move up” to contributing hard news articles.
On the petition idea to campaign to expand the days to collect signatures. We could put information on this in the California excellence section — because — most states don’t have the petition option and no state does it as much as California.
[send you email with articles on petition process in California]
Marcus Ruiz Evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>
Fri, Jun 13, 2014, 4:03 PM
to Christopher
The book “California’s Next Century 2.0” talks about how California can realistically become more independent (through Sub National Sovereignty: where the military/security establishment & dollar stay intact). Ca gets policy freedom to design its own trade laws and education standards…allowing California to grow unhindered by the Federal government overstretch and it would (I argue in book) be able to better link to the world economy and create more jobs here in California.
There is a new group, in San Diego that has really taken to the concepts — SovereignCA.org.
Curious if you would check out the site and tell me what you think.
They are looking for people to submit content — articles or just weblinks to articles that show
- Federal interference holding back California,
- California acting like a nation even thought it is a state
- Facts that show that California is not like normal states, its something bigger.
I was wondering if you have come across any articles like this — would consider submitting them.
We talked a while back about the book I wrote “California’s Next Century 2.0”.
(- you should have a copy — if not: email me — I will send one out)
A way for California to become more independent (not completely) from the Federal government so that it can better link itself to the emerging world economy and make more jobs here in California.
Although 40 CA cities have heard this message — it is gaining a lot of traction in San Diego now. A new organization http://sovereignca.org/ has been created. AUGUST 1 — I will present a speech on “California’s Next Century” at Alliant International University to 200+students http://sovereignca.org/event/ …You are invited as a guest.
We are looking for Chapter Presidents throughout California
- Looking for — anyone — who cares about California — to submit content.
The website is largely becoming a news resource.
News updates on how:
“California, and its government, already act like a nation now”
“California is not like other states, it acts very differently”
“How California is “held back” by Federal government interference”
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Louis J. Marinelli <louisjmarinelli@gmail.com> wrote:
Regarding these changes — I don’t know what happened because I already
did it. I must not have saved the page or something (there’s a two
step saving process). I thought I had already made those changes but I
just did it again.
As for coming to Fresno: I have a student activity planned on Saturday
June 14th, so I couldn’t come that weekend but I could come the
following weekend, June 21/22. Sounds like a good idea.
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 4:07 PM, Marcus Ruiz Evans
<marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com> wrote:
If I paid for your transportation and lodging: Would you consider coming to
Fresno to hang out. Ill be in SD in 2 months, this would be an intro.
Great time talking on the phone, just thought we could have more quality conversation in person. Help continue partnership.
Take train out of SD on Friday evening (Leave SD in am — get here 10pm) or
Saturday morning (leave SD 7am — get here 3pm)
Leave Fresno Sun 2pm — in SD 10:30pm
I know its short notice — I am open the wknd of June 14 or June 21 Just throwing it out there. We could go to bars or I know a guy named Herb.
Slight corrections below: (I put these in a separate email). Because the
other email on the website was all about things I thought were awesome.
These are tiny changes sir.
3. Does California have economic activity and an organized economy? Will
California regulate foreign and domestic trade and issue money?
Yes and no. California does have economic activity and an organized economy.
In fact, California has the 9th largest economy in the world by GDP.
However, under sub-national sovereignty, California would not regulate
foreign trade, nor would it issue its own currency. Those powers would remain with the federal government.
[SNS means that CA does get to make its own trade deals just this state]
7. Will California be completely sovereign? Will the United States still have power over California’s territory?
As part of sub-national sovereignty, the U.S. federal government would still
exercise authority over the territory of California on a limited range of
would retain its international relations powers, as well as its powers to regulate commerce and trade, to print money and set the value thereof, and it would also certainly retain the military (and homeland security powers) vested to it by the Constitution. It are primarily the matters of domestic concern where sub-national sovereignty fundamentally changes the relationship between California and the United States.
[SNS would allow CA to regulate its own trade with foreign nations. Commerce ,between California and other states in America would still be regulated by the Federal government]
[Maybe add the line about Homeland security powers — just to let people know: all of the national security stuff ontop of the military stays intact]
8. Would California have external recognition?
Formally, no. California would not have its own delegation to the United
Nations, nor would it represent itself in other international forums, nor
would it be recognized as an independent country by other countries.
However, no one can deny that California is already internationally
recognized and for evidence of that, you should look through our blog
section entitled “California Nation”.
[CA would not be recognized as an independent nation and could not be a
“member” of the UN — but it can go to numerous international bodies and represent itself, or have a place at the table — but it can’t negotiate
anything for itself other than trade and immigration]
On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 10:10 PM, Louis J. Marinelli <louisjmarinelli@gmail.com> wrote:
OK, I think I’ve got my about me page set up. Though, I think it’s
already a little long so I didn’t include everything yet. I’m going to
try and figure out a way or a place to talk about the parts I left
On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 8:15 PM, Marcus Ruiz Evans
<marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com> wrote:
I will check out the website first thing tomorrow morning and get back to you before lunch
> On Jun 3, 2014 5:02 PM, “Louis J. Marinelli” <louisjmarinelli@gmail.com>
OK, thanks, I’m going to make those changes now. I’m also working on
something else which, if you’ve got time, maybe you can check it?
On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Marcus Ruiz Evans
<marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com> wrote:
Still going through — WOW really impressed.
Going to send people over tomorrow. Comments so far.
Check this out for more articles — CA different, not like other states, already a nation, Federal intrusion: Just provide a link to this page at the bottom of the article “original source material from” http://www.californiasnextcentury.com/in-depth-research.html
On the Event Page:
Can you copy the image of the book at the bottom of this page:
Can you put a link or window to the main video player window on the book site: So that it shows the picture of me speaking that is on the book front page, on the Event page.
What about this for About text:
Marcus worked as a liaison between the State of California government and the Federal government for over 10 years, forcing him to develop a
personal understanding of this federal and state relationship. During this time, he also had the opportunity to work on Goods Movement efficiency studies, looking at how the international freight system operates and especially California’s role in the World economy. He has traveled to Europe,
Canada and Mexico, observing firsthand their domestic infrastructure and,connection to the Global economy. In addition, he traveled to many states in America, comparing views on international trade, but with a California
Ruiz Evans lived throughout California, in Los Angeles, the Inland Empire,
the San Francisco Bay area, Sacramento, and the Central Valley.
“California’s Next Century 2.0” was published in 2012 and presents a plan for how California can become the negotiation center for the emerging world
economy that will take shape in the next few decades. The book explains how
and why California should replace the UN and Switzerland as the main negotiation centers of the world today. In order to fulfill this role California would need to become “more independent” than it is today and
Evans elucidates how this can be done in a very practical manner through
the Specific mechanism of “Sub National Sovereignty”. The book also explains how allowing this arrangement for California to take place…would be good for America, the World, and especially California.
Liked the way you put SNS: Additional info:
“Sub-national sovereignty basically means that the uniqueness of California which is already widely-accepted, is formally established by law. This not anything new.
Californians are geographically disconnected from the rest of United States.”
Here is a population density map of the world that show the same large gap
between the populations of America and CA — is equal to the gap between
other major different cultures.
“The map below depicts the population distribution in the United States. As you can see, the population of the United States essentially lives east
of the I-35 running north-south between Minnesota and Texas. Then there’s link to this page — it explains it more:
Slight changes to SNS description: (I mean slight: you got it):
For general purposes SNS: means: military/security aparatus & dollar
stay intact, everything else open to change.
3. Does California have economic activity and an organized economy? Will
California regulate foreign and domestic trade and issue money?
Yes and no. California does have economic activity and an organized
In fact, California has the 9th largest economy in the world by GDP.
However, under sub-national sovereignty, California would not regulate
foreign trade, nor would it [remove: SNS means CA would do its own
international trade] issue its own currency. Those powers would remain
with the federal government.
4. Does California have the power of social engineering, such as
Under sub-national sovereignty, California would have full jurisdiction over
its education policy. What that means, for example, is that California
would be free to move away from federal Common Core standards to develop its own education policy that makes sense for Californians. Remember, California is unique — why should it be compelled to adopt education standards enacted by federal politicians 3,000 miles away?
The same thing holds true for a variety of other issues. For instance, California would be free to enact its own marijuana policy. California’s
current laws conflict with federal law. [PERFECT]
5. Does California have a transportation system for moving goods and people?
Yes, California already has a transportation system including over 16,000 miles of freeways, over 7,000 miles of rail, 9 international airports and one of the largest and most important seaports in the world.
6. Does California have a government that provides public services and
police power?
Of course, California already has a wide range of public services offered by any other country in the world. Under sub-national sovereignty, California would have more freedom to offer the public services its people want and need. For example, instead of implementing the controversial and still
unpopular Affordable Care Act, California could move on to passing
universal health care as it did one two separate occasions in the last decade.
7. Will California be completely sovereign? Will the United States still
have power over California’s territory?
As part of sub-national sovereignty, the U.S. federal government would
still exercise authority over the territory of California on a limited range
government would retain its international relations powers, as well as [REMOVE] its powers to regulate commerce between the states and trade [REMOVE], to print money and set the value thereof, and it would also certainly retain the military powers vested to it by the Constitution. It are primarily the matters of domestic concern where sub-national sovereignty fundamentally the relationship between California and the United States. [PERFECT
8. Would California have external recognition?
Formally, no. California would not have its own delegation to the United
Nations, nor would it represent itself in other international forums,
nor would it be [REMOVE] recognized as an independent country by other countries. However, no one can deny that California is already internationally recognized and for evidence of that, you should look through our blog section entitled “California Nation”.
[California would not be formally represented at the UN, but it could be an observer and be able to have its own table at the UN as well as other
international bodies. Scotland does this now — it has Observer status in
the UN and can have its own Olympics team. But it does not have the formal position of being an independent nation member of these international bodies. You can go and watch, but not technically be listed as your own nation]
On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Louis J. Marinelli
<louisjmarinelli@gmail.com> wrote:
Glad you liked the site.
I wanted to put more on the front page about what exactly sovereignty means but as I said on the phone, I’m still trying to get my head
where is the line drawn exactly? I’m going to put something up and you tell
me if that works, according to your ideas. When I get your book and
can read through it, I can edit it a bit more.
Yes, I will add more information to the event for the students. Do you
have something specific you can send me that I can essentially copy and paste to the page or would you like me to write something up? I
Switzerland?” and it was approved today for August 1. So, maybe going off that general framework, we can both present the theory, the
campaign and your book.
Looking forward to your influx of members to start populating our site.
On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Marcus Ruiz Evans
<marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com> wrote:
The blogs on: Ca as other than a state, CA as a nation, CA being
obstructed by Federal government — WOW. Really liked the format.
Great front page — explains what is going on.
Maybe a little bit more on Sub National Sovereignty — as a reasonable way to,get past all of the crazy talk and something about how this is not a reaction to President Obama. BUt the front page is impressive — YOU,NAILED ,IT. THE WHOLE POINT. ,Great store page. For the event, Maybe a little bit more on the book, photo of book and me, link to my website www.californiasnextcentury.com
I need to look it over again to figure out what more to do — THIS IS
ENOUGH TO START ON STEP ONE — build a community of people who are, on their own: (a) turning articles, and (b) filling out the comment page. Build an actual community. I will start sending people over to this site now.
On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 12:20 AM, Louis J. Marinelli
<louisjmarinelli@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, it was a nice chat. Glad to move this dialogue onward and
looking forward to our future work.
On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 11:29 PM, Marcus Ruiz Evans
<marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com> wrote:
Awesome talking
Marcus Ruiz Evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>
May 30, 2014, 10:46 AM
to Louis
“I thought the first phase could involve associating the word nation with California and instilling a sense of national pride.”
That is the first natural step.
California is a nation — Californians.
You aren’t saying what to do with that, you aren’t pushing any objective — you are just getting the truth out there.
I am a “California nationalist” — right now that term brings a look of confusion, and sometimes fear, rather than being seen as meaning “I completely recognize that California is a special place not just in comparison to the rest of America and its states, but to the rest of the World and its nations.”
“How do you like this infographic I put together.”
THis is perfect. THis is what I meant by you understand political movements. This flyer is perfect.
It looks official because of the layout, graphics.
It has statistics — which makes it feel like it is put out by an official body.
It doesnt say anything outlandish — it seems to make a “duh of course” point — which is perfect, so people accept the message.
This is perfect thinking for the style to package the message of California is a nation.
You have a natural talent for this.
Louis J. Marinelli <louisjmarinelli@gmail.com>
Wed, May 28, 2014, 11:15 PM
to me
I thought the first phase could involve associating the word nation
with California and instilling a sense of national pride. How do you
like this infographic I put together.
marcus evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>
Sun, May 25, 2014, 9:30 AM
to David
Www.facebook.com/SovereignCA There’s a new Facebook page and there’s going to be a new website coming up in a week based out of San Diego for a California independence movement… I’ve been talking with the people there… it seemed organized. They are open to working with calsov
Louis J. Marinelli <louisjmarinelli@gmail.com>
May 24, 2014, 12:18 PM
to me
I thought you might look me up and read about my past. It’s a story
some take in as you have but that some interpret negatively, depending
on their personal beliefs on the subjects, so I appreciate your kind
words on that issue. It was indeed a difficult thing to do but I’ve
always tried to hold my beliefs based on principle and that was true
when I was against gay rights as well as now that I am for them.
As for your book: I noticed my error was going to the link for the
original 200-page copy of the book. That one is no longer for sale.
From the graphics you provided, I followed the link to the new 2.0
version and that is for sale, so I was going to order that but if
you’re still willing to send me a copy, that would be much
About my blog: Are you referring to my personal blog? I just haven’t
updated that in a while.
And yes, I am very libertarian-leaning. I support some tenants of the
Democratic and Republic parties but both parties have left a bad taste
in my mouth and I really don’t like to associate with either of them.
I’m socially libertarian and mostly economically conservative but
since my education is in the environmental sciences, I feel that
balances my conservative economic beliefs as I am conscience of issues
like climate change and the human impact on it, resource depletion and
environmental racism issues.
Yes, I lived in Russia for three years as a teacher. Now I am engaged
to a Russian national who I brought back to the U.S. when I returned
from teaching. So we are a intercultural, bi-national couple. I’ve
also traveled to Finland, Ukraine, and Israel. One thing that I feel
is the most important is my experience as an ESL teacher. I have had
so many opportunities, working with students from around the world, to
learn and understand their cultures and histories in a way I could
never learn in the United States. This is particularly true of my
students from the Middle East. Right now I am teaching a class with 9
students from the Middle East and it has been such a rewarding
experience over the past 3–4 years of teaching to be able to learn
about these different cultures and especially to see how different
they are compared to the way they are presented in the American media.
In reference to your three points for the record: Of course joining
Mexico again would not serve California or this purpose. Secondly, I
support the comprehensive immigration plan proposed by the Democratic
party including amnesty. This is one of the reasons that motivated me
to do this. A recent poll said 71% of the country support the
comprehensive plan but there is no action. The federal government is
dysfunctional and too political to do what the people want them to do.
California on the other hand has passed legislation like the DREAM
Act, SAFE Act and plans to issue driver licenses in 2015. Much more
friendly environment for immigrants and the undocumented. As for the
third point: I realize that demanding full autonomy and sovereignty
will evoke the strongest reactions. Perhaps it can be reached in a
step by step process, initiated by first obtaining, as you describe, a
sub-national sovereignty. This reminds me of how Russia organizes
their territories: they have states like we do but call them
provinces, they have semi-autonomous regions that a foreigner even
needs a special visa to visit (mostly in northern Siberia) and they
have Republics, such as the Republic of Tatarstan (Islamic Republic)
in which I lived for a year. They have their own president, own
government, own flag but are still “part” of the Russian Federation.
I’d go for that initially but would really hope to completely
disassociate and partition eventually. After all, could California be
considered a neutral center of negotiation if we were still
technically a part of the United States?
Yes, we should talk. I’ll be doing a student activity today with the
UFC fight but let’s pick a time and we can chat. What do you think of
coming to speak to my students? Every week on Friday we have what’s
called a culture lecture where the teachers rotate and present for 80
minutes on a topic related to culture of their choosing — or invite a
guest speaker. I usually discuss Star Wars in culture but if you’d be
willing to come down to present, I think it would be unique and the
students would enjoy listening to someone who, like myself, isn’t a
blind patriot of the U.S. or believes that the U.S. is the best thing
in the world and everyone else is below it.
Also, how do you feel about me incorporating your graphics and
material into the sovereignca.org website? If you have wordpress
experience, I could add you as a user or I could do it. I’ve been
building it on me free time and I think its starting to make progress.
I just need to fill in pages with specific data now. You’ve got the
data. We could use your book as the core and when we file for title
and summary and this project becomes public, you’re book would be
right there at the center for people to take and read and hopefully
join our effort. Have you seen the FB page I’ve built for the
campaign? I’ve got a little over 250 people there so far.
Another Ca Sovereignty website to launch
marcus evans <marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com>
May 24, 2014, 10:07 AM
to LouisThank you Louis… I really appreciate you emailing me Per my contract I can only sell the book through Amazon it would be best to go through one of the resellers or the Kindle version is available for 3 dollars and you can download on your smartphone.
I can send you a copy too sir if that is ok.
Really like your blog: nice format, outstanding graphics.
I saw the articles talking about how you campaign against gay marriage but meeting gay people changed your mind…that is truly a beautiful and very California story sir I loved reading that story.
You’re based out of San Diego and it appears that you are libertarian leaning… That’s excellent because libertarians have been the most supportive of the plan for California’s Next Century in comparison to any other political ideology.
You lived in Russia that’s excellent… My book talks about how Russia is a superpower and America needs to and hasn’t recognized the multipolar world that we’re going into. Russia on the other hand is absolutely aware of the fact that we’re going into a multipolar century where there will be no dominant one power America or any other nation. Plus Sergei Lavrov the foreign ambassador of Russia recognized that California has a right to become independent given how it was stolen by America in the past according to modern international law.
I would love to talk 415 595 3394.
Just get it out of the way for the record:
1. This is not a secret reconquista plan to get California reconnected to Mexico… The book talks about california recognizing its place as one of the top 10 economies in The World and acting like it… Attaching ourselves to a third world country with a totally dysfunctional government goes in the complete opposite direction of that plan and would literally destroy California being able to be a leader in the world economy.
2. This is not a plan to allow for a lot more illegal immigration. California strength is its diverse people we need to increase that diversity by shrinking the amount of Latinos who coming to California and expanding the amount of Russians Brazilians Indians Chinese and Southeast Asians and Europeans who are coming to California.
3. I really do believe that sub national sovereignty rather than full independence is the only realistic way to get california to be more independent… We can skip all of the scare tactic debate that will happen by simply saying the military and the dollar and existing corporate contracts stay connected… It moves the debate past the crazy stage and into a real discussion on policy because there’s nothing for talking heads to point to and yell up and down about.
On May 23, 2014 4:07 PM, “Louis J. Marinelli” <louisjmarinelli@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for your response,
I am just a citizen who believes in this movement and wanted to
initiate the process. I feel not only concerned about the future of
this hemisphere due to the actions of the United States but in fact
betrayed by the federal government in the United States, as a citizen.
In addition to that, I recognize that California has the means to
succeed independently and thus was motivated to do this for these
I’ve had the chance to listen to a couple of your videos, which is
what prompted me to reach out to you. My name is Louis Marinelli, I
live in San Diego. This project is in its infancy and although I’ve
tried to acquire a copy of your book, its only available through
resellers on Amazon and so wanted to ask you about how I could
purchase a copy directly. Very interested in the content and feel it
would serve as a great core message for the initiative campaign
(judging by what you’ve said on your website and YouTube videos.) I
recently shared your presentation at JFK University because I thought
it was very good.
On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 3:41 PM, marcus evans
<marcus.ruiz.evans@gmail.com> wrote:
I saw that you are going to have a website soon.
— Do you have any details, documents, speeches, on the plan.
— where are you based out of, what part of CA?
— could I have your name?
Ps. Check out my site: www.californiasnextcentury.com
These graphics explain the argument behind the book “California’s Next Century 2.0”
For the record the Plan for “California’s Next Century 2.0” proposes “Sub
National Sovereignty”: where the Dollar and the Military/National Security
all stay in tact, in addition to existing contracts between the State of
California and other States. None of that changes.
However, California gains the “policy freedom” to do everything else that a
modern nation state does — Own Education, Banking, Foreign Trade,
Immigration, Housing policy, etc — just like California has the ability to
set policies (as it were the Federal gov) for Insurance, Environmental, and Climate Change regulation already.
Scotland and Hong Kong are the two best known examples — their currency and military are linked to a host country — but in all other regards they act
like a separate nation, work out their own trade deals, meet other foreign leaders on their own, Can go to Olympics as own team, can go to UN as own observer, etc.
I like “Sub National Sovereignty” because it goes right around / out flanks the whole Civil War argument (you cant even accuse us of going there) — so it stops anyone who wants to cry/ racism/ or foul at the idea — this idea is
not that idea.
Regardless though — the point of the book/ and the plan is that Californians “wake up” and realize that they are sitting on a nation state. Whether they
like it or not or think that is good — this state is being abused by Federal
government policies and other states, and losing out on billions of dollars
in lost opportunities because it does not think about itself as a nation
state but another state — and this creates a bumbling mess of government
bureaucracy. For example — California routinely looses out on billions in
lost trade for products it could sell abroad but the Federal government is
not willing to accept the trade terms for, so California businesses have to
wait 10 years to get approval to sell goods abroad some times — and the
California people are near totally unaware of how our economy is being held back, and therefore they aren’t upset and demanding action to fix this problem — so the holding back of California continues. Anyone who is working toward that epiphany of Californians (and who supports
peace and diversity for this state) I support.
> > On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 7:46 PM, <info@sovereignca.org> wrote:
I would like to talk to you about making this happen. I have been putting
together a website to begin a campaign for a 2016 ballot initiative on the
issue of California sovereignty and have already begun receiving bumper
stickers and banners to hang at booths when we start collecting signatures.
Let me know if you’d be interested in getting involved and working
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 5:13 PM, David wrote:
HI Marcus, Please review the attached summary, still being worked on, but can start citing the numbered items. There are 42 items.
Also, attached is the flyer and donation form for your review for the Wed talk, How did San Clemente go? The focus for money is to be clear on the point, “lets further the discussion” not to demand any change yet. I’m thinking of changing the name to Californians for Sovereignty calsov.org
Tom Elias: How would California do on its own?
PUBLISHED: January 1, 2013 at 12:00 am
On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 1:58 PM, David wrote:
Hello Marcus: It was good to meet you, I hope you found our discussion helpful to your cause. Have you thought of potential names for the group? May I suggest Californians for a Better Future (CFBNOW.org) Also, I think a nonprofit 501c4 would be the entity. Lets discuss soon. David
CA Next Century
Dec 11, 2012, 10:24 AM
to me
Hello Mr. Evans: My name is David and I am very intrigued by your concept. I wonder if you will be presenting in San Francisco in the near future, I would love to learn more about what your ideas and plans for the future.
· June 2 2012 — I self publish the book “California’s Next Century”
· Dec 11 2012 — David (SF) contacts me and says I like it
· Dec 16 2012 — David (SF) says lets make a group, called CBFNOW
· Jan 1 2013 — Tom Elias publishes first article on Calexit — about book
· Jan 18 2013 — David (SF) says lets make a Calexit group called Calsov
· May 22, 2014 — Louis emails Marcus and asks to chat
· May 23 2014 — Marcus is told by Louis that he contacted him because he saw his work preaching about Calexit
· May 24, 2014 — before Louis says what his background is, Marcus tells Louis that he looked him up and thinks it is awesome that he has contacts with Russia and would love to talk to Sergei Lavrov.
· May 24 2014 — Louis emails Marcus a long apologetic email about his history and asks for formally borrow the data from Marcus’s book for his website SovereignCA to fill out information.
· May 25 2014 — Marcus emails David that there is a group called SovereignCA that is also about independence. A second group also pursuing the same idea to CalSov.
· June 2 2014 — Louis asks Marcus formally for help on how to think about CA sovereignty
· June 5 2014 — Marcus asks Louis to come to Fresno to meet and talk about partnership
· June 19 2014 — Marcus request formally for Louis to make a joint presentation about SoveignCA to LA Libetarian party
· June 16 2014 — Louis proposes first meeting of SoverignCA to be in Fresno where Marcus currently lives
· June 26 2014 — Louis writes the first initiaitive to propose to CA voters for secession based on Marcus instruction
· June 26 2014 — first meeting of Sovereign CA and first action by Calexit taken to oppose “Tim Drapers initiative” by protesting against signature gatherers at Dollar Tree on Kings Canyon in Fresno
· 2015 — Marcus and Louis decide to rename Sovereign CA as Yes California after protest in Sacramento when they were asked if they were violent extremist group by CHP
· Feb 23 2015 — Marcus and Louis see Nora Campos propose a CA embassy
Jul 14, 2015 — Mike proposes to Marcus to make quasi embassy different county
Aug 6, 2015 — Marcus proposes to Louis that CA form embassies
May 12 2016 — Governor Brown of California writes an article saying America and Russia should be partners
Sep 27, 2016 — Marcus tells Louis that while Russia was attacked in an article, the press said that California was not a stooge of Russia and attended the conference in Moscow for its’ own reason.
Sept 29 2016 — Marcus tells Louis a major Think Tank in CA said to be friendly to Putin
Sep 30, 2016 — Marcus tells Louis to direct Yes CA to seem more “rational” to Russia and points out Brown wrote an essay saying America should be a ally to Russia
Oct 13 2016 — Louis says that Yes Ca will create embassy in Russia
Dec 23 2016 — CBS TV admits that California basically has international recognition from a foreign power a key step in secession. Marcus points out to Louis that this means Yes Ca has achieved according to International law — the key step to legally pursuing independence.
evidence — Louis offers Marcus to be the President and Marcus refuses and says he would be better as the president as he has media experience
Indictment, United States v. Internet Research Agency, et al., Case 1: l 8-cr-00032-DLF (D.D.C. Feb. 16, 2018).
Only KRYLOVA and BOGACHEVA received visas, and from approximately June 4, 2014 through June 26, 2014, KRYLOVA and BOGACHEVA traveled in and around the United States, including stops in Nevada, California, PG 13
By approximately May 2014, Defendants and their co-conspirators discussed efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. 16