How a VOTE for CALEXIT would go
Inevitably, the fighting would pit Californian against Californian. Many of us would not want to leave the U.S. And most of us identify more closely with our distinct regions than with the state as a whole, a tendency that could divide us. And don’t forget: While Hillary Clinton won California by 29 points and more than 3.5 million votes, one third of California voters cast ballots for Trump — representing an uncomfortably large Fifth Column with which to coexist.
HOW OTHERS THINK THE VOTE WOULD GO. Aka where the line between liberals and conservatives in Ca
BAKERSFIELD IS NOW LIBERAL — barely conservative
suburb LA — free busline with dedicated route for commute hours.
New statistics released by the Kern County Elections Dept. show that, while there are more registered Republicans than registered Democrats in Kern County, the number of registered Democratic voters is growing.
Democrats are now the largest party of registered voters within the Bakersfield city limits, according to Kern County Elections Division registration numbers.
also being driven by the growing population of Latinos
initial worry about the Grapevine route was that it could turn Bakersfield into a commuter city of LA, with travel times of less than 50 minutes between the two cities (the current drive between the two downtowns is about two hours without major traffic).
Reason 1: County lines were made up 100 years ago, based on the population at that time.
Reason 2: Congressional districts are drawn up every few years and are more representative of the population current
Reason 3: California has been called out for having very fair Congressional Districts.
Reason 4: There will — so go with the Federal precident, that Congress decided the new states (B) these people need to know they have a direct line with Fed, so Congressional Reps overseeing
There will be a split and they will want to stay with
That means they will join a state, or form a new state.
Either way Congress will have to approve –
So Congress should approve the boundary of the new nation — so Congressional boundaries should be the way.
In 1788, Virginia granted its consent to Kentucky’s statehood in the form of two enabling acts. The second and operative act required that the Confederation Congress admit Kentucky into the Union by July 4, 1788. A Committee of the Whole reported that Kentucky be so admitted, and on July 3, the full Congress took up the question of Kentucky statehood.
Formal secession and formation of the state of Maine as the 23rd state occurred on March 15, 1820, as part of the Missouri Compromise,
Plus Congressional boundaries are made on the population. Counties made a 100 years ago.
CA congressional FAIR
independent studies by the Public Policy Institute of California, the National Journal, and Ballotpedia have shown that California now has some of the most competitive districts in the nation, creating opportunities for new elected officials