Hey — California Native Tribes — this is what happens when someone talks about giving the land back — the (LIBERAL) establishment attacks the idea.

Don’t worry — California Native Tribes — Non Native people are OFFENDED FOR YOU.

Marcus Ruiz Evans
6 min readAug 7, 2018

Yes California has not received ANY negative feedback from ANY California Native Tribe — to date. We have not received endorsements — but NO ONE has said it is a horrible idea to give the Native people back THEIR LAND.

Okay — one person who identified themselves as CHEROKEE said it is a bad idea, and that they love America as a whole, but to our knowledge, saying you are Cherokee and can speak for real Native Tribes is considered a joke by Native tribes.

Don’t worry — California Native Tribes — Non Native people are OFFENDED FOR YOU.

When Yes California said that there should be a Native Nation — within the boundaries of California, once it achieves independence, we expected some strong reactions.

We have received hate mail from racists who don’t like this idea, which we expected, but what shocked us is that liberal newspapers have taken time to specifically attack this idea. WE NEVER EXPECTED THAT — EVER. Also to make matters even more strange — right after Liberal newspapers attacked this idea and told Californians to ignore it — a conservative newspaper backed the idea.

An Editor for the LA TIMES had this to say of the idea of giving Native People their land.

· This idea is “worse than” “previous versions” of Calexit. Aka — the worst version of Calexit — was the one where we said give Native people back their land.

· It is “ill thought out” to give Native people all of the Federal land, even though NO ONE LIVES THERE, and it would cost California no more than 4% of our GDP.

· Californians should not discuss the idea of giving Native people their land “That’s as far as it should go”.

Then we get to character assassination. The (LIBERAL) LA Times was joined by the (LIBERAL) San Francisco Chronicle to smear the idea.

· It turned out that Russian trolls were pushing the California secession movement — LA TIMES

· group appears to have closer ties to Russians — SF CHRONICLE

That should scare away all Non Natives from even looking at the idea of giving Native people their land.

We do have 1 member/ from 43,000 who does occasionally live in Russia. True. He was 1/ of 6 co-founders. True. And — perhaps Yes California is not the right group to push the idea of giving Federal land away, so that there could be a real Native Nation.

WHY DIDN’T THE NEWSPAPERS SAY — The California government should get on this, Democratic millionaires should file the petition before Yes CA — so the right people are pushing this forward.

NO — They didn’t say that.

WHY DIDN’T THE NEWSPAPERS SAY — Californians committed a genocide and a reparation should have to be made — this is not the group to lead this, someone more credible should take over.


They said forget the idea all together. AND THEY WERE LIBERAL.


Ps. Neither Newspaper brought up that Marcus Ruiz Evans who is the President of Yes California, who proposed this idea, is Choctaw, grew up knowing he was NATIVE, has family on the Scrolls, and proposed giving Native people nations in a book in 2011, and traveled to 40 California cities in 2012–2014 talking about that. I specifically told the LA Times editor all of this — and none of it made it into print, and the SF Chronicle assumed — without even asking — that I had no connection to Native Tribes, when I grew up knowing that I was part Native from an early age.

Why did these liberal newspapers say I had more connection to Russia than to Native people when it is not true?

Finally — why did a conservative newspaper come in support of Native tribes getting their land back, right after 2 Liberals newspaper slammed the idea.

The LA TIMES Editorial Board took special time to say they wanted to be saved from having to think about how to give land back to Native Tribes.
The SF CHRONICLE also has an Editorial review, where they took special time to say that setting aside land for Native people in California isn’t that great an idea.
This newspaper, not known for progressive thinking, is the only one so far to say that Californians should support the idea of giving land to Natives.

be the impetus behind the creation of the secede-and-break-apart proposal. Yet they cooked up this harebrained idea, including the idea of an autonomous Indian territory, without input from actual Native Americans. They say they plan to reach out to California’s tribes “soon.” They shouldn’t expect a warm welcome. It’s incredibly patronizing to come up with a plan to help a group without asking the people if that’s what they want.

It seems more likely that the Native American proposal was concocted to get attention, which it has. So far, this proposal is little more than an outline sketched out on Evans and Marinelli’s Yes California website. That’s as far as it should go. California doesn’t need to strike out on its own. Both the country and the state are stronger and better together. And if Native Americans want an autonomous state, let them start the discussion.



LA Times said don’t talk about this

.Title of article referencing the idea to have discussions to return land to Indigenous “Save us from a Calexit breakup plan”
.This idea is “worse than” “previous versions” of Calexit. Aka — the worst version of Calexit — was the one where we said give Native people back their land.
.It is “ill thought out” to give Native people all of the Federal land,
.Californians should not discuss the idea of giving Native people their land “That’s as far as it should go”.


Reporter Jeff Horseman suggested — No Indigenous people are included in this discussion and all indigenous people hate this idea.

-It’s not clear if tribes in California support the idea. Yes California’s Twitter account includes a statement of support from Indian Canyon Nation.
-Reitman added: “It doesn’t sound like they even talked to any tribal people. It was just thrown out there … It’s really frustrating because we aren’t invited to the table”
-Mark Macarro, tribal chairman of the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians in southwest Riverside County, strongly dislikes the concept. “This group apparently didn’t even bother to reach out to tribal governments to ask our view.”




Marcus Ruiz Evans
Marcus Ruiz Evans

Written by Marcus Ruiz Evans

President Yes California/ Calexit movement. Interviewed by Politico, New York Times, FOX, WashPost, LA Times, LA Weekly, Sac Bee, Daily Show w/TN, Mother Jones

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