GILROY SHOOTING WAS A HATE-CRIME AGAINST CALIFORNIANS, and what we can do about it (on our own as Californians)

Marcus Ruiz Evans
13 min readAug 30, 2019


Add a new item to the database of hate crimes — being a Californian can get you targeted and killed. Sounds too radical to be too true — let’s review the facts.


Santino William Legan, is the Gilroy shooter, who killed 3 Californians and maimed 17 more on JULY 28. He spent most of his life in Gilroy, “but in the months before the shooting lived in the remote town of Walker Lake in Mineral County, Nevada”. County Sheriff Randy Adams said he moved to Nevada “apparently in May.

The AR500 Armor company released its Shoot at California and separate it from Nevada target on May 15. Around the exact time that the shooter moved to Nevada.

Yes, this company is based in Arizona, but they choose to make the target about separating California from Nevada.

Nevada has a history of people who love Nevada, and love shooting guns, and love talking about Californians invading Nevada and bringing their values with them.

“One featured guest, National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch, called Californians “a scourge” who are “bringing their socialist values with them” when they come to Nevada.

In fact Nevada people hate California immigrants so bad, that the top newspaper in Nevada had to make a special plea for Nevada people to stop hating Californians in August 20 2018 — “ We can’t believe this has become necessary”. The gunman moved to Nevada about 9 months after this opinion piece was written — less than a year later.

To be clear — there were a lot of people in Nevada talking about how they hate California just months prior to this event. In late October 2018 — the candidate for Nevada Governor ran on a platform of hating California and stirring up fear among Nevadans of being over whelmed by them. He too was so pro guns that he received an NRA endorsement. Late October 2018 is only half a year before the gunman moves to Nevada.

“Adam Laxalt, the Republican candidate for governor of Nevada, knows how to rile up a crowd this election season: Just point to the state to the west. “Are we going to keep Nevada the Nevada we all love, this independent Western state, or are we going to turn into California?” Mr. Laxalt asked at a rally in Elko with President Trump on Saturday.”

“Laxalt campaign spokesman Parker Briden said rejecting California values “is something that connects with people on a very personal level” and that it “has become a refrain on the campaign.””


As a Latino the thing that captured my imagination is why drive really far to shoot Latinos, when Nevada has a huge Latino demographic. Why travel into California if this is a hate crime against Latinos. Why travel from Nevada across California to shoot Latinos — if that is THE goal.

People think this man was about white supremacy and killing Latinos because he said this before: “Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”

As you can see he mentions white people — and some of the shooting victims looked white.

Here is where things get interesting.

I want to destroy the argument that this man was motivated by racial hate and was instead catalyzed by hate against Californians whether or not they were minorities.

The gun he used to do the mass shooting was actually purchased in Fallon, nearby where he lived. Take a look at the map BELOW. It shows that Californians have been moving into Nevada in a “horde” just like the shooter said. The highest concentration, of the fastest growing cities in Nevada, is right next to where the gunman lived and bought his murder weapon. These cities are literally crawling with Californians.

The Californians that move to these Nevada cities, had already turned a nearby county liberal, (when it was traditionally conservative) and a giant amount of the Californians who were going to Nevada, were minorities and liberals — (and they were changing the laws of Nevada and making them more like California’s laws.)

“Nevada’s Latino, African-American and Asian-American populations have grown, while the white, non-Hispanic population has stayed mostly flat since 2010, helping it become one of just a handful of majority-minority states and the fastest-growing state in the country by percentage.

Are we to think — this shooter, never heard Nevada people complain about all of the California liberal minorities moving in “in a horde” and changing the laws and culture of Nevada — even though he lived right next to where this was happening big time? Or is it just a coincidence that this demographic shift was happening in a big way right next to where this man lived and got the tools to commit a mass killing? The main newspaper of Nevada talked about hate against California, there were conferences in Nevada where speakers would talk about hate against California — and a candidate for governor ran on hate against California, and yet we are suppose to believe there wasn’t an intense climate of hate against California — right when this murderer moved there?

“Investigators have not determined a motive for the attack”Bennett said that through the course of the investigation they are finding literature from “left to right” and said they can’t put the suspect, 19-year-old Santio Legan, in an ideological “box.”

Perhaps the police can’t figure out a motive for this hate crime because it is a new type of hate crime, based on demographics and culture, rather than strictly on race, religion or LGBTQ status.


If you go to the California government’s website for hate crimes, you will find that this shooting meets 3 OF 4 CRITERIA ALREADY.

  1. The shooter made an extra effort to go to a place where there would be only Californians. “The criminal” “chose” the “property” because it “belonged” to a “certain” “group”.
  2. The shooter said that he didn’t like whites and Latinos from California before the shooting. “The criminal made written comments showing a prejudice”
  3. Nevada where he was living before the shooting, does have a lot of hate against California. “There is a lot of organized hate activity in the area”. A governor running on hate against CA, in a state where the main newspaper had to say “tone it down on the hate against California”, must qualify for this.
  4. The only criteria missing is a significance of a date with the shooter.


The murderer was 19 years old when he murdered. Research into Islamic and White Nationalist terrorism has found that it is very easy to “radicalize the youth.”

“What drives youth radicalization? This question has renewed relevance in recent weeks in the wake of dual terrorist attacks, one at the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville on Aug. 12 and the other in Barcelona on Aug. 17, in which the alleged assailants were 20 and 22 years old respectively.”

Age alone is not the reason why the youth become radicalized, neither is whether the criminal is poor or rich. Rather the thing that radicalizes youth the most to go and kill for a radical cause is if they are surrounded by people who tell them that they are part of group that is being pushed out of power.

“However, it was not poor socio-economic status itself that pointed toward susceptibility, but rather a sense of relative deprivation, coupled with feelings of political and/or social exclusion.

Media/Internet messaging matters, but not as much as personal engagement”

Turns out that the description fits with the Gilroy mass murderer. He lived in a very isolated town in Nevada, where people almost did not know each other, and was on the outskirts of any major city. That town was very pro gun ownership, white and conservative, anti-urbanization, and unfriendly with minorities. He talked about how he was upset with Californians moving into Nevada and changing the culture.

“Mineral County bills itself as “America’s Patriotic Home.”

Another resident of the town out for a walk Tuesday, said he was glad Legan didn’t shoot anyone here. There are a lot of guns in the town, the man said, which worries him. He declined to give his name because he is a minority and said he “doesn’t fit in real good” with town’s conservative white population.”

Is it unreasonable to assume that this young person constantly ran into people who because of their isolation from cities (which included LGBTQ people, people who are liberal, and minorities), and therefore developed an extreme opinion based on not being like the people in the cities (aka they are white and conservative).

We are suppose to believe he lived in a rural, all white, conservative, hard core gun owning city, where everyone talked about the “California horde” and never came to adopt those feelings himself?


This essay has shown that the man lived in a state where hate against California was very acceptable throughout the society. This essay has also shown that there is as much reason to believe this man was not motivated by a hatred purely against minorities as he was motivated by a hate of California ideas. Now we add to this argument the fact that the young man’s age, and the characteristics of the community he lived in before he became a murderer also fit neatly with what science has shown is how young people become radicalized enough to commit acts of terrorism. At a minimum Californians need to look into this — because if we don’t — it might happen again.



California can’t do anything to stop gun violence as long as it is part of America. California can pass gun laws, and other states will continue to allow guns to flow freely and because California is part of America — then Americans can travel into California with their gun at any time.


The problem, instead, lies in federal and other states’ laws. As long as those are weaker, there’s going to be a limit to how well any stricter gun laws can work at the state level — for the simple reason that someone can always freely travel across the border to obtain a gun, whether for personal use or to sell to others.

The real solution, then, lies in changes to federal law…. that all states will have to follow.

Until that happens, mass shootings like the one in California over the weekend will remain much easier to pull off, no matter what California does”

One of my “California heroes” Luis Alejo said the same thing:


Any sane California person has to recognize by now — that we can’t wait for the Federal government to pass common sense gun regulations.

The solution is therefore — to create a border guard on California’s borders with American states (AZ, OR, NV) and search for illegal guns and stop those people from coming into California with these guns that are illegal according to CA law.


1 — We already have border stations at every road coming into California (“California Food and Agriculture Inspection Points”)

2 — These border checkpoints — already check for things other than just food and plants and bugs that could hurt agriculture and already work with other California agencies. They have been working with others since 2016 through 2019 on arresting people for transporting fireworks that are illegal in California. (In addition to inspecting for agricultural pests, the stations serve as “a convenient platform for other agencies,” Van Rein said, such as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to inspect watercraft for invasive species, or CalRecycle to prevent fraud in the state’s beverage container recycling program. … the Calfire-led fireworks checks.”)

3 — These border stations — already work with the California Department of Justice DOJ to arrest people. (“ May 8, 2019, the California Department of Food & Agriculture and the California Department of Justice stopped a Penske rental truck during a roadside enforcement operation along U.S. Highway 95”)

4 — The California government body that is in charge of regulating the transportation of guns, is the CA DOJ Bureau of Firearms, (“California DOJ Bureau of Firearms: The Bureau of Firearms serves the people of California through education, regulation, and enforcement actions regarding the manufacture, sales, ownership, safety training, and transfer of firearms.”)

So why can’t the California government order the California Food and Agriculture Inspection Points to continue to work with the California Department of Justice, and expand their partnership to include the DOJ’s Bureau of Firearms division and start checking people for guns that are illegal in California.

We are supposed to believe — we can stop people from bringing in fireworks and clams, but we can’t stop people from bringing in an AK 47 assault rifle with a 100 round drum clip?

Before you say “but the second amendment” — it is important to point out:

A. California can ban certain guns and can arrest people for owning those guns in CA. This is legal and has gone on for years.

B. California can ban people from bringing in certain foods, clams, and fireworks. They can’t force a person to submit to search, but they can forbid a car from entering into California if they don’t submit to a search. They can’t force a person to throw the contraband into the trash but they can stop the car from entering into CA.

So California can ask people to submit to a search for guns. If that person refuses, Californians can not allow that person to enter into California until they agree to a search and if weapons are found, until those weapons are left behind. This is established law for the last 3 years.

The news acts like it is a joke, and if you look up what the Governor said, the articles always cut off the end of the statement. “If Trump were ever elected, we’d have to build a wall around California to defend ourselves from the rest of this country,” — Jerry Brown, Governor of California, 2016. No newspaper would actually print the full statement — where he said WE AS CALIFORNIANS have to defend ourselves FROM THE REST OF THIS COUNTRY. Interesting how that last part of the full quote was removed by every newspaper.

What if the Governor wasn’t joking— and we need to take his leadership VERY SERIOUSLY.

Think about it. Donald Trump is president and immediately begins promoting hate to California. Other Red states pick up this behavior and start promoting hate toward California on their own. Then someone travels from America to California to murder California people.

We know that Donald Trump acting racist has encouraged people to act more racist. We know that Donald Trump promoting violence has encouraged more people to act violent to political enemies. Why is it hard to believe that Trump promoting hate at us Californians actually encourages people to attack us?

WHAT IS YOUR PLAN TO STOP THIS. Hope that someday the Federal government passes California style laws on guns and then is able to enforce them. While waiting hope that no more people come into California with weapons and murder us. Hope that Trump is removed from office, and then hope that all of his followers suddenly stop acting full of hate the moment he is out of office.

PS. The people who made the shooting target, where you were expected to shoot at California — TO SEPARATE IT FROM NEVADA, thought it was “hilarious” when people said that item was in bad taste. Now that people are murdered — and the murderer came from Nevada, and used guns from Nevada to shoot people — do they still think its funny.



Marcus Ruiz Evans
Marcus Ruiz Evans

Written by Marcus Ruiz Evans

President Yes California/ Calexit movement. Interviewed by Politico, New York Times, FOX, WashPost, LA Times, LA Weekly, Sac Bee, Daily Show w/TN, Mother Jones

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