A conservative state coalition of eleven states and two political candidates just broke through to mainstream media with their message of letting Left and Right peacefully divorce each other.
To join Coalition contact:
Liberty Block: LibertyBlock@gmail.com
Palmetto State Independence: palmetto.independence@gmail.com
A conservative state coalition of eleven states and two political candidates just achieved national television news coverage on the One America News Network (OANN). The group believes their message is now going viral. In almost a sign of divine providence, four different colleagues of Donald Trump have endorsed the idea of allowing California to secede in order to make America great, while at the same time the group has just released its plan suggesting that Republicans in Congress can remove California from America (all on their own), without any help from liberals in Congress.
On August 1, Graham Ledger of the One America News Network covered the topic of a coalition of people in 11 states, 1 Presidential Candidate and 1 Senate Candidate who have endorsed the idea that by removing California from America, the nation would work better. The station is a favorite TV channel of President Trump and claims a viewership of 35 million Americans.
Literally only days following that showing, conservative thought leaders started repeating the talking points of the 11 state coalition; Sean Spicer (former press secretary for Trump) suggested trading part of California for Greenland, while Arthur Schwartz (political consultant deeply connected to the Trump family and Steve Bannon) demanded that all of California be traded away to Denmark
They join two other Trump contacts who had already echoed this sentiment. Steve Bannon (former chief strategist for Trump) has himself said that California will secede, and Wayne Allyn Root (recently commended by Trump) also said that California should leave to make America better.
The TV spot appears to be motivating the conservative base, as well. The Facebook group “Being Libertarian” with 783,000 followers published a post saying “Tired of Trump as President? Get a new country!” Not to be outdone — the American Conservative also recently endorsed Calexit “Why not let them go their own way…?” The magazine has about 557,000 people view its online articles each month. Additionally, “Michael Hill, the president and one of the founders of the League of the South, said in an interview “Now you have people from New Hampshire to California talking about secession”, and another pro — Confederacy website; Identity Dixie showed their support; “This is one of the reasons I support initiatives such as the California secessionist movement.”
The two confederacy supporting organizations now make three well known southern secessionist groups that have come out in favor of removing California to ironically save the Union. The site Stonewall Jackson, with 206,000 followers tweeted “Time for California to secede. It solves a lot of problems”. The Tweet was also addressed to Donald Trump.
“We now have 3 different Southern Secession groups backing our ideas, if indirectly” said Michael Martin, from Palmetto State Independence.
While no one called out the coalition by name, they all mentioned the same talking points the group is dedicated to publicizing, literally within days of the group releasing a press release or being mentioned in mainstream media.
Unaware that people connected to Donald Trump were going to repeat the argument made by the group — “that conservatives would be better off in a USA without a CA”, the coalition released their plan to kick California out of America legally and peacefully. Titled “Republicans Can Kick California Out Of America (all by themselves)” the plan states that the;
1- “Leftist media has misled the American public: It turns out that support among Californians to leave Trump’s America is much much higher than reported. High enough that they might successfully vote to leave right now.
2- California legal scholars say that only a 51% vote of Congress would be enough to legally allow (according to Supreme Court precedent) California to secede from America.
3- All conservatives have to do is hold 1 vote, 1 time, with a simple majority in Congress and Californians will be so pissed off at America they will vote themselves out of the union.”
It is a bold plan, but it does appear to be very well researched, with fact checking done by no less than the official Calexit movement of California. The main idea behind the plan is that California acted so emotionally when Donald Trump was elected in 2016, that if a technical majority of Congress, in the House, or Senate, or of State Legislatures, held a vote to allow California to leave, that Californians would be so offended that they would in a similar burst of emotional rage as seen last in 2016, re-engage the Calexit debate and vote themselves to leave America.
Given that now 4 different people connected directly to Trump are supportive of Calexit, the goal of the group is to get Trump to tweet about their plan to “ensure Republican victories forever”.
“All of us in the coalition love Donald Trump. He had the courage to take on issues that too many politicians on the right, were too scared to even address. But the work is not done. The party was dying before Trump breathed new life into it, and while we are secure now, the question becomes what happens to the future when Trump is out of office. America needs him to secure his legacy and ensure that conservatives can continue to win over elections for control of Washington DC. far into the future. We know that no one else but him would be willing to even try” said coalition founder Liberty Block.
The group is focused on getting even bigger through (a) growing the chapters in size that are part of the group already (Dakota Exit, Palmetto State Independence, Liberty Block/NHExit, Down state Illinois secession, Liberty Block Wyoming, Red State secession, Arizona secession, and representatives in Oklahoma, “Red” Pennsylvania, and “Red” New York”) and (b) reaching out to new candidates to ask them to join. People in North Carolina, New Jersey, Mississippi, Louisiana, Colorado, Tennessee, Texas, Florida, South Dakota, Missouri, Minnesota, Nevada, Maryland, New Mexico, Nebraska, and Kentucky who have written an op-ed in the news, Tweet or Facebook post, calling for California to leave, or for Red and Blue to peacefully divorce (and who live outside of CA) — have been identified for the group and are being approached.
The coalition equally supports the right of Right and Left within a state to split that state and peacefully divorce (within a state), and for a liberal state like California to peacefully divorce from a majority red state America (between states).
“The coalition supports peaceful divorce between states and within a state, as an alternative to the increasingly polarized and violent climate we see across America now” the group said.
With 11 states represented, and candidates in another 16 states identified, the group believes that soon it will have a coalition with representatives in half of America’s states.